Mar 8, 2020

Born from Above
That which is born of flesh cannot inherit the kingdom of God, only that which is born of the Spirit, born from above and born anew. With Nicodemus we marvel at Jesus' words. It is hard for us to admit that we cannot save ourselves but must be redeemed from sin and its death. Even more difficult is to see in the baptismal water that power of the Spirit connecting us to Christ's death and resurrection giving us this new birth.
- Mar 8, 2020Born from Above
Mar 8, 2020Born from AboveThat which is born of flesh cannot inherit the kingdom of God, only that which is born of the Spirit, born from above and born anew. With Nicodemus we marvel at Jesus' words. It is hard for us to admit that we cannot save ourselves but must be redeemed from sin and its death. Even more difficult is to see in the baptismal water that power of the Spirit connecting us to Christ's death and resurrection giving us this new birth.
- Mar 2, 2020Temptation
Mar 2, 2020TemptationToday is the first Sunday in Lent as we make our annual journey with Christ to the cross. Though the Sundays in Lent are not technically part of this somber season, they do reflect the same penitential theme that characterizes our forty days of prayerful devotion and repentance. Today we watch as Jesus faces the slick lies of the tempter. he does not face them on His own but in the strength and power of God's Word and truth. When the devil hands Jesus the opportunity to doubt or fear or deny Himself and His Father in heaven. Jesus responds with the stronger Word. He does this not to prove Himself, but for us, that we who live in Him by Baptism and faith may also be made strong in the Word of the Lord before the devil's wiles and lies.
- Feb 16, 2020Pastor Paul Kollek 2’16’20
Feb 16, 2020Pastor Paul Kollek 2’16’20We consider today all of the division and conflict that exists in the world, in our church, and in our lives. Jesus cares deeply about reconciliation, about people coming together and forgiving one another. It is even part of the Lord's Prayer: "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." Whatever grudges you are holding can be overcome with the peace of Christ.
- Feb 9, 2020Not too bright?
Feb 9, 2020Not too bright?We consider today that Jesus calls Himself the light of the world and also calls us the light of the world in the Holy Gospel. While Jesus shines His grace upon the earth, He also calls upon us to shine our light throughout the entire world, so that many come to know Him as their Savior. How blessed are we to be the light of the world Jesus!
- Jan 12, 2020God forbid
Jan 12, 2020God forbid"What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid." Sin death, baptism, resurrection, and newness of life. How does this all fit together? As we remember our Lord's baptism and look at our own we are encouraged to live the new life Christ would have us live.
- Dec 8, 2019Christian Hope
Dec 8, 2019Christian HopeWhen things are going wrong, we encourage our friends, saying, “Look up. Things will get better.” But that takes hope based on some report or promise. Our Advent hope is based on promises God has made throughout history, some of which we still await. Isaiah sees lions and lambs living together one day. Paul hopes that Jews and Gentiles will learn to live in harmony together now. But John the Baptist warns that only repentance will enable us to move forward. Advent is a time to recognize God’s grace in forgiving our sins and to look forward and up in hope! .
- Dec 1, 2019Are you ready for Christmas?
Dec 1, 2019Are you ready for Christmas?“Look out!” is about all we can yell as something unexpected is about to happen. The person we are warning has to be awake in order to respond. That’s why Jesus tells His disciples, including us, to be awake and watchful for His return. He is our Lord and Master—our King! Advent is a gracious time of preparation for Jesus’ coming, once in history, to us in Word and Sacrament today, and at the end of time. When our Lord returns, it will be to usher in the kingdom of God, which Isaiah says will be so peaceful they will “beat their swords into plowshares.” Before that day, preparing means leading loving lives, Paul tells us, for “salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed.” Look out! The King comes!
- Nov 25, 2019Christ the King 11’24’19
Nov 25, 2019Christ the King 11’24’19THE ROYAL THRONE.The disciples had hoped for thrones and power to rule beside Jesus, but the throne on which He pronounced His greatest edict was a cross. On it He prayed for forgiveness for His executioners. From it He promised paradise for the thief on a neighboring cross. And because of His royal sacrifice, the Father “delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son.” Like the people of Malachi’s day, who saw evil running rampant, we may not understand all that is happening in the world around us. But we trust that in Christ God has made “peace by the blood of His cross.” So lift high the cross, for by it our sins are forgiven and paradise is open to us!
- Nov 3, 2019All Saints
Nov 3, 2019All SaintsOn the Feast Day of All Saints', we pray that we would be numbered among those who rejoice in the blessings of the fuller presence of God in His eternal kingdom. With thankfulness, we recall those who have completed their earthly journeys in faith and who now rest from their labors. On this special day, we remember the blessed saints of times long past and those of recent times as well. As we think of their blessed state, we also rejoice that we, too, are among the blessed, living out our daily lives as the baptized children of God in this time and place. By God's grace in Christ, we have a promised place among the saints and can joyfully claim this day as ours!
- Oct 21, 2019Go
Oct 21, 2019GoYesterday we continued our passion series. People passionate about Christ are people passionate about outreach, sharing the gospel with those who do not know Jesus! The sermon "Go" compared our mission as believers with our nation's spec ops teams who operate behind enemy lines.There are many opportunities to learn and to fellowship this week. If you are able please spend some time this week with the saints in Bible study and fellowship!